I have enjoyed writing for years. In fact, the first time I remember being published was in Mrs. Magnuson’s sixth grade class. Our “Little Warrior” newspaper was published “as often as possible by Room A-3”.  I still have the November 17, 1972 edition, and giggle every time I see it, typos and all. Today I see that I had carefully written, “By Rhea” next to each article I had submitted. I’m glad I did, it adds to the experience knowing which are mine.

I was pleased when “Pineapple Magazine, a Canna Culture Lifestyle Magazine” wanted an article about Cannabis Suppositories and Erectile Dysfunction, and delighted when they wanted even more information about Smokeless Cannabis Remedies. The suppository article is in the January/February Edition, page 26. Here’s the link, you’ll need to flip through the pages to get to it. pineapplemag.com/2018/01/29/7-jan-feb-2018/

I provided them the second article and they liked that so much that I have been asked to be a monthly contributing writer and will be doing an “Ask Rhea” column where I’ll answer how I would treat the condition or symptoms, if it were me, when asked by individuals. I will not be using people’s names or cities in the articles, so have no fear in writing to “Ask Rhea!” You can email your questions to me at RheaG123@hotmail.com for inclusion in the monthly column. I hope to answer all of them, but  have no idea how many will come in. I’m excited and look forward to the challenge.

Just a quick bit about our Cooking Consultations – Wow!  What a fabulous reception and feedback we have received. “Best $200 I’ve ever spent” is what we have heard the most. It has also been very rewarding to have patients come back and show me what they have created. One even admitted that he blew it and burnt his batch up when he “just knew better” and wished he had listened. At least he learned from his mistake.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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